on April 1, 2021
Every year in the U.S., there are millions of car accidents that kill thousands of people and injure hundreds of thousands more. Rollover accidents, in particular, can cause serious injury and death. In a rollover accident, the vehicle rolls over so that the top of the car ends up on the ground. The impact and […]
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on March 29, 2021
According to the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration, drivers nationwide face a significant risk of being involved in a deadly car crash. And while traffic fatalities span rural and city streets alike, Los Angeles and Atlanta are home to some of the nation’s deadliest highways. You may wonder how these two cities rival one […]
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on February 16, 2021
Every year millions of Americans are injured in car accidents. As recently as 2019, 4.4 million people were injured in an accident to the point that they needed medical attention. While those numbers include individuals who suffered cuts and bruises and required minimal care, it also includes those with more serious injuries. In fact, some […]
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on January 28, 2021
When it comes to civil litigation pertaining to a car accident, one of the most important pieces of evidence is a crash report. A crash report contains information related to the accident such as weather conditions when the accident occurred and notes on facts of the accident such as which parts of the cars involved […]
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by Bakersfield Personal Injury
on January 12, 2021
The prohibition against running a red light may seem obvious. It is dangerous. However, many people do it. Their reasons are varied. Some are in a hurry. Some enter the intersection just as the light is turning, thinking they can get through the intersection before the light turns red. Others have been patiently waiting for […]
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on November 18, 2020
Innovative technology is playing a significant role in the safety features of new vehicles. Some features can reduce the chances of an accident happening, while others are designed to keep you and your passenger safer when an accident does happen. Many car insurance companies offer policy discounts for some safety features, so be sure and […]
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on October 28, 2020
Motorized scooters are everywhere. They are fun, cost-effective and easy to park. Young people use motor scooters for everything from getting to work and school to hanging out with their friends. These scooters have opened the world of micro-mobility to thousands of people, you and old. They also create safety concerns. Motor scooters come in […]
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on October 26, 2020
California wildfires are becoming a part of our yearly routine. With hotter temperatures, wildfire season seems to start earlier and earlier. This year, lightning strikes have caused a record number of fires across the state. However, mother nature is not responsible for all these fires. Sometimes, wildfires in California are caused by the negligent actions […]
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on October 24, 2020
If you have been in a motor vehicle accident you may have experienced vehophobia. Vehophobia is a fear of driving. It often begins after a car accident and is more common than you think. Phobias are a conditioned fear response. They can occur because of one or more traumatic incidents. In a car accident, the […]
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by Bakersfield Personal Injury
on June 3, 2020
It can be difficult to know when you need to hire a personal injury attorney to handle an injury claim. In most cases, consulting with a lawyer is a good idea. An attorney can explain your legal rights and your options for holding a negligent party liable for your injuries, losses, and damages. However, what […]
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